“There can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.”
The Saints of Nemesis is slated to be a precious, hardcover tome--embossed canvas, fine paper of weight and texture, special media for seven color plates, each ensconced between parchment or vellum.
The seven Saints/Icons will be of seven Nemesis avengers and each will mark a chapter of the book and an act of justice.
New text is being composed for each chapter--historical, psychotopographical, soliloquy--with accompanying sketches, fragments of maps, letters never sent, mementos, and other traces strewn among the enveloping narrative.
The Saints of Nemesis bloats and tears at signifiers and refferants-- cultural hegemonic, personal introjected, and primitive primordial-- creating a real cultural reality beyond fact which inches mercilessly towards truth of spirit, personal and collective.
The breadth and girth--the sheer transcendental powerhouse of future and past embedded in an endless present--that is Nemesis, requires not just this, hopefully, expansive foray into the mind and heart, but a litany of creative gestures, whether totem or treatise that pay homage to justice and its purveyors.
This is just the first of many...
Ara Mgrdichian
The Nemesis Group